With the aim of enabling you to exit the program with your startup in an investable state, ready for institutional investment (pre-seeding), StarJet offers a range of valuable experiences to enrich your 100-day journey.
StarJet 100 day program helps you get there through 4 key elements:
Founders Association: Founders enjoy access to a rich peer community of fellow entrepreneurs who serve as thought and accountability partners.
Strategic advice: The core of the 100-day weekly meetings is "mentors" and strategic guidance sessions by one of StarJet's directors which acts as a consultant and responsible partner. Facilitated peer review sessions also provide a forum for joint problem solving and strategic planning. At a minimum, you will meet weekly with your peer group, consult with an Ariabastar consultant for business planning and strategic guidance. You will participate in a training workshop led by Ariabastar staff or external experts.
Unique planning: During this 100-day period, StarJet will schedule weekly guest speaker sessions led by a mix of StarJet team members, industry experts, investors and peers. The topics are related to customer discovery, product strategy, market entry, fund-raising, leadership and other aspects related to initial constructions.
Valuable communications: Founders gain access to StarJet's high-quality industry network to support concept development, mentoring, recruitment and fund-raising.
We are looking for exceptional people with entrepreneurial and leadership experience.
An ideal profile includes second-time startup founders, emerging leaders who have managed product development or business functions at high-growth startups, executives who have led dynamic functions at larger companies as "in-house".
We create a dynamic class of 12-15 founders for each 100-day program which is thoughtfully designed to include a rich variety of professional experiences, personal backgrounds and skill sets. We welcome technical and business founders in this program.
StarJet is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion. These are the values we apply not only to our screening programs, but also to our team, portfolio and entrepreneurial communities.
The 100-day course is designed for early-stage entrepreneurs who have a strong MVP or hypothesis about what they want to build. Applicants must be able to articulate an original product idea, service or assessment of unmet consumer demand, identifying old services that need to be deconstructed and redesigned, or have specific expertise such as programming.
At the end of the program, we hope to offer a number of participants initial investment funding to support the next stage of their journey. These entrepreneurs are also invited to continue working with StarJet on internal business design, product design, talent and financial/administrative team resources.
StarJet is a business creation platform which includes a venture capital fund and startup studio. We go beyond the business model and we're looking for opportunities to build model businesses with ambitious founders who innovate around human needs. We are creating a plan for the future of the business by unlocking access to a powerful network of founders, investors and corporate partners.
Although most participants are Individual founders, but we are ready to participate in the program if the co-founders really lead the company's overall strategy. If you are a team of two founders, please submit an application and enter your name and profile in the application
Advance plans depend on pandemic safety conditions. We hope to offer a combination of in-person and online experiences, with most of the programming being virtual but with real office space in Tehran and Isfahan available to team members looking for a workspace.